The Tangible Evidence of our Past

Presented November 18, 2016 at the Civita Institute's La Caccia Tesoro fundraising event


NICHOLAS VANN, AIA, is the State Historical Architect for the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. He manages the Federal Historic Tax Credit Program for the state, and is a technical expert on matters pertaining to historic preservation. Nicholas also provides design assistance for Main Street communities, consults on hundreds of Federal and state funded projects affecting cultural resources a year, and has presented at several state and national conferences including the National Trust for Historic Preservation Conference and Revitalize WA Conferences. Prior to his time in Washington, Nicholas was a project manager for an architecture firm in New Orleans specializing in historic preservation projects.

Nicholas Vann will tell the story of historic preservation in the United States and its role in the  preservation of historic structures in Washington State.  He will contrast the cultural importance of buildings saved and explain the significance of buildings lost.  Nick is an expert in the Federal Historic Tax Credit Program.  As historical architect within the Washington State Historic Preservation Office, Nick works directly with the Technical Preservation staff at the National Park Service in Washington, D.C. in reviewing the rehabilitation of National Register properties in accordance with the Secretary of Interior Standards.  Nick will explain the bipartisan support that promotes this program in the US and in Washington State.  He will describe this important collaboration between the Federal Historic Tax Credit Program and the National Parks Service that developers of historic properties pursue to take advantage of millions of dollars in tax benefits each year – tax credits that make these projects
possible.  Nick will bring to life some of the people who have rallied to support Main Street communities and the unique success that accompanies each historic structure preserved.  

Learning Objective #1:
Attendees will learn a brief history of the historic preservation movement in the United States, including passage of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. 

Learning Objective #2:
Attendees will understand the importance of identifying, understanding, and rehabilitating the tangible evidence of our past.

Learning Objective #3:
Attendees will learn about issues facing the future of historic preservation in the United States and here in Washington State. 

Learning Objective #4:
Attendees will learn a broad overview of current historic preservation practice and policy throughout the nation and here in Washington State.