A short film by 2018 Fellow Luann Bice
Civita Institute Members! Don't miss this special event—the premiere showing (via Zoom) of 2018 Fellow Luann Bice's short film Dovuto al Tempo ("Due to Time"). The film's story arc explores how the aging of Civita, the role of place, and the aging of people intersect. In interviews and images, the film acknowledges the normalcy of aging, and the beauty as well as the decay of these processes. The 20-minute film is in Italian with English subtitles—perfect for language learners!
The evening will begin with a welcome from Civita Institute President Nancy Josephson, followed by an introduction and showing of the 20-minute film; a Q&A with Luann by Board member Clark Pickett, and time for viewer questions. View the film's trailer below.
Admission is FREE to Civita Institute supporters who have donated $75 or more between Nov 12, 2019 and Nov 12, 2020 or new members joining at the $75 level. RSVP by Nov 10. Email us at membership@civitainstitute.org if you are unsure when your membership expires or if you have any questions.
Luann Bice is an artist living and creating in Seattle, whose process explores the ephemeral but cyclical nature of human existence. Using her personal history as a reference point, her work reflects upon the realities of growing older and tries to disrupt cultural myths. Employing printmaking, sculptural forms, artists books, and video, her work explores what lies “in-between” external appearance and internal richness. See more of her work at her website.
Dovuto al Tempo (trailer)