The Mission of The Civita Institute is to inspire and foster an interdisciplinary understanding of the unique qualities of Italian hill towns that remain pertinent to our contemporary experience, through the promotion of historic preservation, education and scholarly research, artistic creation, cultural exchange, and professional explorations.

The Civita Institute was founded on the idea that architecture and preservation, environmental stewardship, agricultural heritage, and cultural exchange are all linked, and that Civita di Bagnoregio and other hill towns of Italy provide a unique setting to experience and learn from these connections.

Vision Statement: Inspiring creative excellence, education, and cultural exchange through exploration of Italian hill towns.

Bylaws: As a Washington State nonprofit with 501(c)(3) U.S. tax status, the activities of the Board of Directors are guided by the Bylaws of The Civita Institute. You may read these Bylaws and its Exhibit B, Director in Good Standing Criteria and Director Code of Conduct Pledge here.

Of Historical Note: The Civita Institute Mission was crafted in 2007 by the late architect and Professor Astra Zarina, Anthony Costa Heywood, and the Board of Directors. It defined the intended use of the then-pending Zarina-Heywood donation of buildings, land, furnishings, and archives to The Civita Institute. In 2013, that donation was fully completed. The Board of Directors' gratitude for this Mission and the ultimate donation of the Zarina-Heywood estate is realized every day in its care of The Civita Institute facilities and international promotion of its Mission. 
The Civita Institute Fellowships, Educational Programs, and Archive Collections are located at these historic facilities of The Civita Institute in Civita di Bagnoregio, Italy. Located about 60 miles north of Rome, the facilities provide non-profit arts-focused studio space plus teaching and educational spaces for program participants. The Civita Institute does not offer lodging on a commercial basis. Use of the facilities is for Members only in which varying levels of Membership afford varying levels of use. This remarkable setting is a unique base for Civita Institute Fellows, Educational Program participants, and Members to explore dozens of significant hill towns, cities, and cultural sites between Rome and Florence, Tarquinia and L'Aquila. 
Working with citizens, cultural groups, local businesses, and partnering with the nonprofit organizations such as the American Institute for ArchitectsCroce Rossa Italiana Bagnoregio, and World Monuments Fund, The Civita Institute is devoted to the exploration of stabilization strategies while respecting the social and cultural underpinnings of Civita and other Italian hill towns

Board of Directors
Nancy Josephson, President
Christina Wallace, Secretary
Dan Beert, Treasurer
Steve Butler
Stephen Day
Elaine LaTourelle

Legacy Advisory Group
Steven Holl
Kari Kimura
Elaine LaTourelle
Peter Steinbrueck
Robert Wallace

Photo Credits

Primary site photography by Lara Swimmer. Additional photography by Dan Corson, Stephen Day, Clair Enlow, Craig Litherland and Sharon Mentyka.